
Time Heals All Wounds

How Long Will it Take My Injury to Heal? One of the first things most people think about after an injury or surgery is, how long will the recovery time be? While sometimes recovery can only take a couple days or weeks, more intrusive injuries can take months or even a couple years to fully […]


Sleep Tips for Lower Back Pain

Best Sleeping Positions For Low Back Pain Sufferers Sleeping position and sleeping posture are very important for all of us to be aware of. A poor sleeping position can worsen and even be the underlying cause of neck and low back pain. Certain positions can place unnecessary pressure on our necks, hips, and low back. […]


Feel It in Your Bones

Osteoporosis literally means porous bone.  It is characterized by low bone mass, micro-architectural disruption, and increased skeletal fragility. It often leads to fractures of the wrists, hip, and spine. The first step in the prevention of osteoporosis is ensuring adequate nutrition, particularly maintaining an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D […]


April: Foot Health Awareness Month!

Did you know it is estimated that by the age of 70 the average person has walked approximately 26,000 miles?! Our feet take quite a beating which causes many changes in our foot structure and gait over time. With April being Foot Health Awareness Month, we want to talk about the most common foot and […]


A New Take on an Old Technique Video Demo!

Check out our video demo of IASTM- instrumented soft tissue mobilization and the techniques we use to release muscle knots and scar tissue.


Ergonomic Tips for Driving

Sitting posture is an important component to avoid or manage neck and back problems. Prolonged sitting, especially in a car, is a common cause of spinal pain. Proper adjustment of your car seat can make a big difference in your comfort while commuting to work and your other activities. To Adjust the Car Seat: Sit […]


A New Take on an Old Technique

Keeping up on all the latest techniques, last month two of IPT’s physical therapists, Jennifer Muir and Dr. Jared Brown attended a technique course on Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. What is it? – IASTM has come to mean any type of tool assisted massage. It is a manual therapy technique using specially designed instruments […]


Calculate Your Heart Rate

Continuing with National Heart Health Month, below you will find Dr. Lindy First’s video on how to calculate your heart rate and some exercise stats to keep your heart in good health. Since partnering up with  our friend, Kim Shapira M.S., R.D last month with her healthy eating challenge we want to encourage you to take […]


Listen To Your Heart

February is National Heart Health Month. In this month’s newsletter we are going to share some stats on heart health, how to monitor your own heart rate, and explain how you and your Physical Therapist can improve your heart health. Heart Health Stats– courtesy of The Heart Foundation ( Heart disease (which includes Heart Disease, […]


New Year New You- Challenge Part 2!

Are you ready for part 2 of registered dietitian, Kim Shapira’s new year’s challenge? To refresh you, our January newsletter listed part 1 of Kim’s challenge: “The challenge for you is to change your mindset – let’s flip the idea that we want to lose weight to – let’s learn how to maintain a healthy […]