
Benefits of Massage Therapy

  In our fast-paced, stress-laden lives, finding ways to unwind and rejuvenate isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. For many, massage therapy offers more than just relaxation. It’s a holistic approach to health and wellness that benefits the body, mind, and spirit. With that in mind, here are nine reasons why massage therapy deserves a […]

Best Stretches for Snowboarders to Help Warm Up

  Snowboarding is a popular winter sport, and there’s a reason why! There’s nothing like the feeling of gliding down a mountain, snow beneath your feet, and the rush of wind against your face. However, it’s important to remember that snowboarding is a high-intensity activity that demands strength, agility, and flexibility. And especially on a […]

Tips for an Ergonomic Work From Home Setup

  With remote work more common than ever, many of us spend hours working from home in less-than-ideal setups. Dining tables, couches, or beds have become makeshift workstations, often leading to postural strain, stiffness, and overall discomfort. An ergonomic work from home setup is key to preventing these issues. Here, we’ll explore the effects of […]

The Benefits of an Annual Physical Therapy Health Check

  As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to hit the refresh button and focus on what matters most: your health! While scheduling your annual check-up with your primary care physician (PCP) is probably already on your to-do list, there’s one more appointment you should consider adding: a health check (also […]

The Benefits of Stretching for Recovery and Injury Prevention

  We all know stretching is important, but let’s be honest—many of us push it aside. Yet, incorporating it into your routine can be a game-changer, especially if you’re pursuing a healthy, active lifestyle. Stretching offers a variety of benefits that can greatly contribute to overall well-being and improved physical function. Additionally, if you’re dealing […]

Pelvic Health & Holiday Stress: What You Need to Know

  As the holiday season approaches, many of us are looking forward to a season full of fun, family, and festive activities! However, this time of year often brings extra stress from last-minute gift shopping, family gatherings, and busy travel schedules. All of the late nights, traveling, and fun festive treats can cause us to […]

Why Strength Training is Key to Long-Term Health

  October is National Physical Therapy Month! This month aims to highlight the many benefits of physical therapy and raise awareness about its vital role in health and well-being. This year, we’re focusing on fall prevention, and how physical therapy and strength training are crucial in reducing fall risk and enhancing overall health.   Exercise, […]

Balance Issues: Common Causes, Treatments, and Tips

  September is Balance Awareness Month! This month aims to highlight the importance of balance and raise awareness about common causes of balance issues, such as vertigo, dizziness, and other vestibular disorders. Good balance is crucial for performing everyday tasks safely and effectively, though it’s often taken for granted. Understanding what constitutes good balance and […]

Muscles Every Runner Should Strengthen

  Running engages multiple muscle groups, but are there certain muscle groups runners should focus on strengthening more than others?   When you run, your bones, joints, and muscles absorb 3-8 times your body weight, so it’s crucial to keep them strong. Increasing your weekly mileage is one of the most effective ways to improve […]

Treating Tennis Elbow: 3 Quick and Easy Fixes

  Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that commonly affects those who engage in repetitive wrist or arm movements. And it’s not just exclusive to tennis players—it can also affect computer workers, handymen, and artists. Physical therapy is often the best approach for treating tennis elbow. However, if you’re a tennis player, here […]

6 Health Benefits of Daily Walks

  It’s June, and you know what that means – Summer is finally here! With warmer weather and longer days ahead, it’s the perfect time to head outside and move your body. But don’t worry, this movement doesn’t need to be complicated! Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a […]

Managing and Coping With Pain

  Are you seeking effective strategies for managing and coping with pain? When it comes to navigating the challenges of pain management, it’s crucial to recognize that you are the owner of your pain and can empower yourself with knowledge for effective relief.   Here are some guidelines that can help you make more informed […]

How Long Does it Take to Heal?

  Have you ever wondered how long it takes for your body to heal after an injury?   Understanding the healing process is crucial for managing pain and optimizing recovery. It’s not just about treating the symptoms – it’s about effectively managing the tissues involved to not only help you cope with and treat your […]

Why do I have pain?

  Pain is a normal human experience and is often a good guide to the best healing behaviors- sometimes rest is beneficial and sometimes movement is beneficial. Each part of your body has nerves in and around them. These nerves connect all body parts to the spinal cord so messages can be sent from your […]

Prioritize Your Well-being: The Importance of Annual Health Check and Musculoskeletal Screen with Your Physical Therapist

Prioritize Your Well-Being: The Importance of Annual Health Check and Musculoskeletal Screen with Your Physical Therapist   Maintaining good health involves more than just occasional doctor visits; it requires a proactive approach that includes regular check-ups for various aspects of your well-being. One often overlooked but crucial aspect is your musculoskeletal health. Integrating an annual […]

Ways to Stay Active This Holiday Season

Ways to Stay Active This Holiday Season   The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and often indulgence. While rest and relaxation are often tempting, staying active is crucial for your overall well-being. Staying active and maintaining a semblance of an exercise routine may seem like an impossible task with a calendar full […]

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy   During the holiday season, we tend to have deficient sleep and high stress levels. This added stress can target the central nervous system and your body will go into “fight or flight” mode causing the pelvic floor muscles to tense up and become overactive. Pelvic floor tension can increase stress […]

October is Physical Therapy Month!

Physical Therapy and Tennis   Physical Therapy is an effective treatment option, and helps to improve quality of life, manage pain and chronic disease, recover from injury and maximize movement.   Physical therapists are movement experts who treat people of all ages and abilities to improve their physical function and fitness. We work with you to develop […]

Top Exercises to Help Improve Balance

Exploring the Power of Balance   Balance is more than just a physical state; it’s a harmonious blend of physical, mental, and emotional elements. In the context of physical therapy, balance refers to the body’s ability to maintain stability while performing everyday activities. This includes tasks like walking, climbing stairs, and even standing on one […]

Running: Gait Cycle & Proper Foot Strike

So, running… You might have decided to take it up over the past year. But did you know there’s a good way and a bad way to run?   The motion that your body moves through while running is called a “gait cycle”.   The complete gait cycle consists of two phases:   Stance phase, […]

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a symptom rather than a condition itself. It is the sensation that you or the environment around you is moving or spinning. Attacks of vertigo can develop suddenly and last for a few seconds, or they may last much longer. Severe vertigo may be constant and last for several days, making normal life […]

TMJ & TMD: What’s the Difference?

People commonly mistake referring to conditions affecting the jaw as “TMJ”. TMJ actually refers to the jaw joint itself, or the temporomandibular joint. The correct reference to conditions limiting or affecting the natural function of the jaw is TMD, or temporomandibular disorder. TMD interferes with the normal movement of the jaw, limiting or restricting opening […]

What Is Manual Therapy? A Beginner’s Guide

A lot of patients mistakenly think physical therapy is just exercise programs and modality regimes for pain. Although both exercise and pain modalities are important pieces to a comprehensive physical therapy plan of care, manual therapy is proven to reduce recovery times, increase range of motion, and improve overall tissue mobility. Manual therapy is basically […]

Let’s Talk about Lower Back Pain

        Lower. Back. Pain. We all know it, we’ve all experienced it and we all want it to go away. At any given time, 25% of people living in the United States have lower back pain (LBP). That is a quarter of the country, A QUARTER! While most pain subsides and goes […]

Stretches for Elbow Pain

  Do you struggle with common elbow pain? Team IPT is going to share some stretches and exercises for your tennis and golfer’s elbow! Innovative Physical Therapy, “Solutions in Motion” 619-260-0750

Suffering from Elbow Pain?

Do you suffer with elbow pain? This is a common ailment caused by various reasons. Read on as we address two of the most common elbow conditions – Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse or repetitive wrist extension activities. Wrist extension activities […]

How to Prevent Older Adult Falls

Falls are often overlooked as a harmless topic, but they’re anything but. “About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year—resulting in more than 32,000 deaths. Each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury. One out of every five falls causes an injury, such as […]

4 Exercises to Prevent Aging

“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” We all age a little bit every day. Getting older is just a fact of life, but the rate of decline in our physical and mental health depends on our daily choices. Are you active, or do you spend most of your […]

People Are Walking Less Post-COVID

COVID-19 has changed the way we live and resulted in increased physical activity in the earlier days of the pandemic. Walking became a trend in the Spring of 2020, as it was a free and safe way to exercise. Unfortunately, studies are already showing that the initial increase in physical activity has resulted in levels […]

Plantar Fasciitis – Diagnosis and Treatment

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that is defined as inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia connects the heel bone to the base of the toes. It supports the arch of the foot and absorbs shock when walking.  It is one of the […]

Diastasis Recti – Cause & Treatment

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles. Diastasis Recti can present as a belly “bulge” or your stomach area tents upwards instead of flattening out when contracting or straining your abdominal muscles. These muscles are important because they support our organs and musculoskeletal structures. Some people with Diastasis Recti also report urinary incontinence, […]

What Causes Chronic Neck Pain? And Can a PT Help?

Your head weighs 11 pounds or more – as much as a bowling ball – and keeping it in the right position is hard work. Fortunately, your neck is a collection of bones, joints, muscles, and nerves designed to be strong and stable. But small and large problems can lead to pain in the neck […]

Benefits of Therapeutic Yoga

If you have attended a session with Innovative Physical Therapy, you might have heard us recommend one of our weekly yoga classes. In our Therapeutic Yoga class, we tailor the instruction and practice of yoga to individual needs in a safe, comfortable manner. Firstly, by encouraging the utilization of props, i.e., chair, blanket, etc. Secondly, […]

Why Therapeutic Yoga Is for You

Yoga means “union”. It is meant to unite the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga has been shown in many research studies to relieve stress, improve mental and emotional health, promote better sleep, and relieve low back and neck pain. Yoga has also been proven to help individuals improve their mobility and function, experience less pain, […]

Sciatica: Signs, Symptoms, and how Physical Therapy Can Help

Has your doctor ever said you have Sciatica? Sciatica, or Lumbar Radiculopathy, refers to pain that follows the sciatic nerve as the nerve roots leave your back/lumbar spine and enters your leg. This could include pain in your buttocks, back of leg, calf, or even symptoms into your feet. Most of the time, Sciatica will […]

What Is Diastasis Rectus Abdominis and How Do I Know If I Have It?

Diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) is a common health issue that most often affects pregnant and postpartum women but can also occur in males and nonpregnant females as well. By definition, DRA is a separation of the linea alba which is the fibrous fascial tissue that connects the right and left rectus abdominis.   DRA is […]

Cervical Spine Osteoarthritis: Symptoms & Prevention

Cervical Spine Osteoarthritis Facts Cervical spine osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative process involving the first seven (C1-C7) vertebrae of our spine. It can have many causes and may involve multiple areas of our vertebrae including the intervertebral discs/ligaments, vertebral bodies, hyaline cartilage, joint capsule and facet joints. Causes Arthritis begins with the formation of osteophytes […]

Why Pilates Is Our Secret Weapon

What is Pilates? Pilates consists of moving through a slow, sustained series of exercises using abdominal control and proper breathing. The quality of each posture is more important than the number of repetitions or how energetically you can move. Health Benefits of Pilates Improved flexibility Increased muscle strength of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips […]

The Importance of Balance as You Age

The Importance of Balance as You Age Did you know that physical balance is an essential component of a healthy life? This is especially true for seniors. Having strong balance impacts many aspects of life, including fall prevention, brain health, mobility, and muscle strength. Balance is like a muscle, if you don’t strengthen it, you […]

Exercises for Pickleball Players

Pickleball has become an increasingly popular sport among all ages, especially elders who are finding it a fun way to be active. According to BMC, “the increase in pickleball injuries is almost entirely derived from the 60–79-year age group. Senior males were more likely than females to suffer a pickleball-related strain or sprain whereas women were […]

Pickleball Mania Leading to an Increase of Injuries Among Baby Boomers

Pickleball is on the rise and has become increasingly popular over the past year. Pickleball is a paddleball sport that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. Playing Pickleball allows you to work on your balance, agility, hand-eye coordination, and reflexes without having to put excess strain on your body. It is not only […]

How to Stabilize Your Core in 4 Easy Steps

Core strength is more than rock-hard abs or the ability to hold a minute-long plank. It’s actually the cornerstone to living a healthy lifestyle. A strong core can benefit the body in more ways than one. Here are just a few of its greatest benefits. It Supports Better Posture It Improves Balance It Supports Good […]

Kick-Off 2022 With Our Custom Classes

You trust our Physical Therapists with your healing, and who better to guide you in physical fitness than those same experts! Our custom fitness classes are taught by certified exercises professionals, along with advisement from your physical therapist. If you have any questions about which class is right for your personal health journey, give us […]

It’s Time for Your Annual Check Up

January 1st is a chance to start anew, and after a year like 2021, boy do we need it! If you’re anything like us, your New Year’s resolution list requires a few scrolls, but we have one more to add to the list. It can be easy to stick to your routines and forget about […]

How Strengthening Your Glutes and Hip Flexors Can Prevent Back Pain

Since most people have switched to permanent working from home, there is often not as much space and time to move around and stretch within the busy workday. Because of this, people have decided to run and cycle as a way to exercise as well as get out of the house. Activities like sitting for […]

Suffering from Mid-Back Pain?

The thoracic spine is the longest region of the spine, and by some measures, it is also the most complex. Connecting with the cervical spine above and the lumbar spine below, the thoracic spine runs from the base of the neck down to the abdomen. It is the only spinal region attached to the rib […]

How to Unlock Your Thoracic Spine

We more commonly think of our neck and lower back when we think of our spine, but our thoracic spine, or mid-back region, is important as well. Having adequate mobility in the mid-back is important to our daily function, from turning around to back out of the driveway to reaching overhead into cabinets. Lacking thoracic […]

Balance Exercises You Can Do NOW

The importance of balance for your physical health cannot be stressed enough. September marks Balance Awareness Month, so what better time to focus on your balance and some simple changes you can make to improve your overall health? If you’re not sure why balance is key to fitness, read this article where we covered all […]

Let’s Revisit Balance! – September is Balance Awareness Month

Here are a few facts about falls to start: 1 in 5 falls results in serious injuries such as broken bones or brain trauma People over the age of 65 have a 1 in 4 chance of experiencing a fall each year. More than 95% of hip fractures in older adults (>65yrs) is caused by […]

My Hips and Feet are Connected?!

The foot is the base of our body and our direct connection to the world. But many people find themselves having foot problems or just simply don’t know how to care for and control their feet. Well if you have feet, you need to learn how your hips directly affect your feet. The musculature around […]

Hip Stretches for Upcoming Travel Plans

Sitting on a plane, train, or automobile shouldn’t hurt. Hip pain can have causes including trauma, lying on a side for a prolonged period, overuse, muscle stiffness, sitting in an awkward position, sprains, or strains. Watch as Dr. Maya Bizik shows some brief stretches you can do to ease your pain and prevent it going […]

Lower Back Pain While Traveling? Read This.

Have you scheduled any upcoming travel plans? Here are some things to consider when traveling. One of the issues that we hear most people talk about during travel is low back pain and hip tightness from the increased amount of sitting in the airport, on the plane, or in the car. There are so many […]

Learn a Proper TRX Row in 17 Seconds

Did you know that swimming is a low-impact exercise that manages to work every muscle in the body?! That’s part of why we love it so much, but that doesn’t mean it’s 100% safe. Strength training to the rotator cuff, scapular stabilizers, and core muscles will enable a more powerful and safe stroke, and TRX […]

5 Tips for Preventing Injury During Swimming

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that works all the muscles in the body. Even though swimming is the preferred type of exercise to maintain fitness and rehabilitate certain injuries, there is still a risk of swimming injuries, commonly shoulder injuries, if you are not using the proper swim stroke technique. Here are some key components […]

WATCH: How to Fix Knee Cave While Squatting

Knee cave is a common health issue that can contribute to knee pain and injury. Resulting in the knees moving inward during activities such as squats or climbing stairs, knee cave is frustrating but solvable. Watch along as Dr. Joe Wong shows three exercises to reduce this issue. Have some questions? Give us a call […]

How to Fix Knee Cave While Squatting

Does your knee move inward while climbing stairs? Do you become knock-kneed while squatting? This inward collapse at the knees is called dynamic knee valgus. This position of the knee can contribute to knee pain and injury, including MCL strains, patellofemoral pain syndrome, ACL injuries, and more. Dynamic knee valgus is characterized by hip adduction […]

WATCH: Try These Eccentric Hamstring Exercises for Injury Prevention

What is Eccentric Exercise? Eccentric exercise refers to muscle activation that focuses on lengthening. If you have taken up running in quarantine, you should focus on strengthening your body so it embraces this new form of exercise and Eccentric motions are a great place to start. Decreased hamstring strength can lead to injury, and a […]

Eccentric Hamstring Exercises for Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention

What is Eccentric Exercise? Repetitive motions consist of a concentric and eccentric portion of the exercise. The concentric portion refers to muscle activation while the active muscles are shortening—an example is the portion of the curl when the elbow is bending (the bicep is active and shortening). The eccentric portion of an exercise refers to […]

6 Exercises for Reducing Anterior Knee Pain

Anterior knee pain is the result of the knee not moving properly, with it rubbing against the lower thigh bone. This pain can be caused by the kneecap sitting in an abnormal position or weakness in the muscles. This pain can be debilitating but can be alleviated with certain exercises. Watch these 6 exercises to […]

Are You Experiencing Pain in the Front of Your Knee?

Since gyms have been closed, more individuals have been choosing running as a safe and effective form of exercise. Recently, we have been treating more patients with anterior knee pain due to this change in their exercise routine. Many factors contribute to this issue. Patients that are experiencing this discomfort and pain in the front […]

Watch and Learn: How to Activate Your Core

Activating your core is an integral part of physical fitness, but do you know how to do it, actually? Watch this video from Dr. Justin LaLonde to learn three different ways to activate your core. Innovative Physical Therapy, “Solutions in Motion” 619-260-0750

How to ACTUALLY Activate Your Core

“Activate your core!” “Squeeze your core!”  “Tighten up your core!”  If you have been to physical therapy or seen a personal trainer, you’ve likely heard the term “activate your core”. But do you know what this really means? Do you know what your core is, actually? Well hopefully this post clarifies what the core is, […]

Start 2021 Off Right With a Custom Health Check

January 1st is a chance to start anew, and after a year like 2020, boy do we need it! If you’re anything like us, your New Year’s resolution list requires a few scrolls, but we have one more to add to the list.  It can be easy to stick to your routines and forget about […]

Warning Signs That You Might Be Overtraining

Fatigued? Unmotivated? Decline in performance? These are some symptoms of overtraining syndrome. Overtraining syndrome is when an individual’s workload exceeds the body’s ability to recover, which in turn is detrimental. The main causes of overtraining are increasing the load, frequency, intensity, or duration of an exercise routine. At first, the body feels pumped and strong, […]

How Much Weight Should I Be Lifting?

COVID-19 has made working out from home a new reality, and with that, it’s also made hand weights a hot commodity as they have been sold out for months. If you’re lucky enough to have a set, you might be wondering what weight is best for your body. To ensure safe weightlifting, follow these easy […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Resistance Training

The health benefits of strength training are numerous: strength training can reduce the risk of many conditions (i.e. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression), promote fat loss, and, of course, improve strength and fitness levels. While there are clear benefits to beginning a strength training program, getting started can be a daunting task.  To build strength, […]

Mask Myths & Facts

MASKS & TMJ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a recommendation that everyone wear a cloth face-covering mask in public to slow the spread of coronavirus.  COVID-19 can be spread by tiny droplets that get into the air when we cough, sneeze or even laugh or talk. Wearing a mask also can help […]

Best 4 Exercises to Prevent Decline with Age

“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” We all age a little bit every day. Getting older is just a fact of life, but the rate of decline in our physical and mental health depends on our daily choices. Are you active, or do you spend most of your […]


Many of you are now working from home due to the novel coronavirus, but don’t necessarily have the ergonomic workstation that you were accustomed to using at your office.   You are also probably using a laptop, likely for hours on end, at your kitchen table,  dining room table, coffee table, on your couch or […]

So you think you can squat!

Why does form matter? Proper form helps you work out more efficiently so you can use your energy for the extra push rather than wasted movements. Improper form may mean you are targeting unintended muscles or muscle groups. The better your form the better your results – run faster, lift more, and jump higher when you do it right. More importantly, when you […]

Walking : The New Quarantine Workout

Amidst all this chaos with COVID-19 and being quarantined, many people are finding it difficult to fit in activity and workouts. Many are taking up walking as their primary mode of exercise or even to just get out of the house. The problem is that many people did not walk this much prior to the […]

Telehealth Services Now Being Covered by Most Insurance Companies

We at IPT are excited to announce that Telehealth services are now being covered by most insurance companies! This is extremely important and helpful in continuing to work through your PT recovery. Please call us at the office 619-260-0750 or email us at to see if your insurance company will cover our new Telehealth […]

Checking In: Staying Healthy & Active

Hi IPT Family! Checking in to stress the importance of staying healthy and active during this quarantine. Whether it’s taking daily vitamins, remembering to eat healthier or adding a home workout to your new normal, all of these things can and will help better your mental and physical health!

IPT Clinic Temporarily Closed due to COVID-19

We at IPT just wanted to let you know we are temporarily closing to comply with the CA state Governor’s “Stay at Home” order. We will be canceling your visit this upcoming week if you had an appointment and will continue to do so on a week to week basis. We are working on setting […]

Book A Spot! Virtual Fitness Classes & Private PT Sessions Available Online!

Hello ALL! Given the most recent updates on COVID-19, we are not offering any in clinic fitness classes, we are operating all fitness classes ONLINE! Please sign up via zoom on our website: or give us a call at 619-260-0750!

Virtual Physical Therapy Sessions & Fitness Classes Now Available!

As of today, Innovative Physical Therapy will remain open offering it’s regular services. In addition, we are now offering virtual sessions of one on one Physical Therapy and our Yoga, Pilates and Balance classes for both existing patients and new patients. Please give us a call to learn how to get connected with us virtually […]

COVID-19 Advisory from Innovative Physical Therapy

Dear Innovative Physical Therapy Patients & Colleagues, With the increasing number of cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) being reported across the world, Innovative Physical Therapy wants to ensure all of you that we are taking every precaution and will provide as much information regarding this situation as it arises. At this moment the clinic is […]

Got Back Pain?

Back Pain Facts: Eighty percent of Americans suffer from low back and neck pain at some point in their lives. An estimated 10% of the world’s population suffers from lower back pain More than one in three adults say back pain impacts everyday activities, including sleep By performing a thorough evaluation, a physical therapist can identify the muscular, postural and […]

Watch & Learn : 3 Text Neck Exercises

We are all victims of “text neck” Follow along with Dr. Lindy First PT, DPT with best practices for combating “text neck” and 3 simple exercises you can do almost anywhere! Active Chin Tuck Position – tuck your chin down and slightly back. Take your thumb or forefinger and gently press your chin back even […]

Your Smartphone Could Be Rapidly Aging Your Spine

The average person in the United states spends anywhere between 2-4 hours per day looking down at their phone. Add those hours up over the course of a year and you’re looking at 700-1400 hours! This modern-day phenomenon is widely known as “text neck”. So, what exactly is “text neck” and what are these contemporary […]

Pilates & Prosecco at Innovative Physical Therapy!

Join IPT for a 55 minutes Mat Pilates class followed by a glass of prosecco and lite bites! Get to know our team and see our fitness gym! $20 Reserve your spot here:

Yearly Physical Therapy Visits are Just as Important as Any other Health Check Up

You know the drill: During your annual visit, your primary care physician will order a cholesterol test. Combined with an assessment of health measures such as diet and exercise, the results of the cholesterol test will provide your physician with the information she needs to make a recommendation. If the results are positive, you might […]

2020 Health Check

We highly recommend adding a trip to your physical therapist to your annual healthcare rounds this year to: Decrease your risk of injury Improve your overall health Live an active life Decrease daily aches and pains To feel good as your go through your daily routines Much like getting a physical and checking your overall […]

Pain Science – How Pain Affects Us

Dr. Justin LaLonde PT, DPT continues his expertise on pain with a video talking about adjusting our state of mind in which pain and stress levels affect us. Learn misconceptions and truths about pain and the science behind it. video by : Justin LaLonde PT, DPT @ Innovative Physical Therapy

Pain Myths & Truths -Here’s What You Need to Know!

Pain often is viewed as a bad thing or a misfortune placed upon us. In reality pain is just an alarm signal that is trying to tell us something about our body – typically that message is that something needs to change. Pain can help drive behavioral changes that help reduce the chance of further […]

Pain – How can I get rid of it? Will I always be in pain?

These are common questions we tend to ask ourselves when we experience pain. These are also questions we tend to get in our clinic when treating patients. But there is something more we should be asking about pain. What is it? What does it mean? What is my body and brain telling me? The answer […]

An Inside Look into IPT – Get to Know What We Do!

In honor of National Physical Therapy Month, take a sneak peek into the everyday activity of IPT and some of the many modalities used to help rehab, strengthen and support our patients and their everyday lives!

Why Physical Therapy Should be Your First Line of Defense

Seeing a PT first may lower a patient’s total cost of care, bypassing imaging scans, opioid prescriptions, and other therapies that could be unnecessary or even harmful. If you have experienced a soft-tissue injury, you may be a good candidate for receiving care directly from a physical therapist. A soft-tissue injury is an injury that […]

The History of Physical Therapy

National Physical Therapy month is celebrated in October to recognize the impact physical therapy has had on the medical profession and to encourage community awareness on the benefits that physical therapy has on treating chronic or acute pain.   So how did the profession of physical therapy get started?   Little known is how far back in […]

Watch & Learn: Ways to Improve Your Balance at Home!

Dr. Justin LaLonde, DPT and Dr. Monique Lassaga-Bishop, DPT demonstrate ways to improve your balance at home! Your balance is managed by 3 systems: Sensory system – where you feel Visual system – using your eye sight Vestibular system – inner part of ear that manages your equilibrium 3 Exercises to try at home for […]

Fall Prevention

Falls are often overlooked as a harmless topic. Falls cause more than 95% of all hip fractures, the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries, and number one cause of harm and resulting death in elderly Americans.  While falls are common, they are preventable. These are some signs that you may need to work on […]

Balance! Use It or Lose It!

BALANCE AWARENESS MONTH September is Balance Awareness Month! Balance is one of the most important aspects of life that most of us take for granted until we begin to lose it. Take a few moments this month to get familiar with balance! Remember when you were a youngster and fell all the time, and bounced […]

Video: Exercises to Strengthen and Stretches to Relieve IT Band Pain

Dr. Brandon Brym, PT, DPT takes us through some exercise techniques and important stretches that help alleviate pain in the IT Band area and help build the muscles surrounding it. Your IT Band is connective a band of tissue that runs from the top of the hip to past your knee, the muscles connected to […]

Corrective Stretches for Injury Prevention

Stretching is an essential part of any exercise regimen, it will not only improve your endurance and balance, but will also decrease the risk for injury. If you are participating in any sporting event or physical activity, time should also be set aside for stretching. Two types of stretches are typically conducted: static stretching (stationary) […]

Do You Actually Know What and Where Your “IT Band” Is?

Are you experiencing “IT band” pain? What is the cause? The Iliotibial band (ITB) is a broad band of connective tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh, it extends from our lateral hip down to the outside of your knee.  It is a passive stabilizer of the hip and lateral stabilizer for our […]

Video: Craniofacial Exercises for Head, Neck and Jaw Pain

Follow along with Dr. Lindy First, DPT and Dr. Monique Lassaga-Bishop, DPT as they demonstrate easy exercises to relieve craniofacial pain. At Home Exercises: Seated Butterfly- sit upright with feet on ground, tighten stomach, overlap hands and place behind your neck. tuck your chin, make a long neck and retract your head backwards. Squeeze shoulder […]

Benefits of Yoga

Yo·ga /ˈyōɡə/ noun Definition : a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation. The Benefits of Yoga Can reduce stress  A study done for the Journal of Affective Disorders showed that people who do […]

Do you Have Chronic Face, Head and Neck Pain?

Craniofacial pain is a term used to describe any chronic facial, neck or head pain.  The most common forms of craniofacial pain are temporal mandibular joint dysfunction, trigeminal neuralgia and chronic headache disorder. Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD, aka TMJ) is pain or malfunction at the jaw joint. You may be more likely to get TMJ […]

Exercises to Relieve Your Migraine & Headache Pain

Dr. Lindy First, DPT takes us through three different exercises that directly affect your neck area from migraine and headache pain.

Cupping Therapy

Innovative Physical Therapy is excited to announce that we are now have cupping therapy within our massage and wellness offerings. Take a look at the video below of our Massage Therapist and Cupping specialist Kristi explain what cupping is, its benefits and how it works! To book your cupping session today or to speak to […]

Putting Our Heads Together to Talk About Migraines

While everyone needs a different course of treatment based on their condition and findings, there are several things we can all do to reduce the prevalence and severity of headaches Massage.  We all seem to know that massaging our temples when we have a headache gives us temporary relief. Keep it up. Don’t forget about […]

How to Exercise with Arthritis

Having arthritis problems and don’t know what to do? Follow along as IPT’s Dr. Rodney Alford, DPT shows us some easy exercises to try.  

Take a Walk – The Benefits of a Walking Program

For some, being physically active can be a daunting, scary idea. However physical activity doesn’t have to mean running stairs or grunting at the gym at the squat rack. Starting a simple walking program can be a great way to start getting active. What are the health benefits of walking programs: Walking is a weight […]

Living with Arthritis: Grip without the Gripe

According to the Arthritis Foundation people with Osteoarthritis can and should be exercising. The benefits outweigh the risks if you are smart about it.  Multiple studies show that 30-45 min of mild to moderate low impact exercise done 3 to 4 times per week helps to improve and maintain the flexibility and motion in our […]

Core Muscle Strengthening with Swiss Ball

To better understand the importance of core strength, it is important to understand what the core is and how it functions. The “core” as it is commonly called, consists of a group of both superficial and deep muscles that surround and stabilize the lumbopelvic-hip complex. The deep muscles include the internal oblique, transversus abdominis, diaphragm, […]

Video: Take a Look Inside Corrective Exercise with Rachel Owen

Innovative Physical Therapy’s Corrective Exercise Specialist, Rachel Owen walks us through corrective exercise, its benefits and why it is so important.

Corrective Exercise Fitness with Rachel Owen @ IPT

Who is it for?   Corrective exercise is designed to accommodate individuals with specific muscle imbalances and previous injuries. This one on one training will help to ensure proper form and technique are being followed throughout your program.  Your personalized program would include self-myofascial release such as foam rolling and static stretching. The sessions will also […]

Pilates 101 with Katie St. Louis!

Learn about Pilates and its benefits from our in house Pilates & Yoga Instructor, Katie St. Louis!

An Athlete’s Worst Nightmare – ACL Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is one of the most common ligament injuries in sports. More than 3% of athletes in a 4-year period of sporting activity sustain a rupture of the ACL and the risk is higher in female population. The incident rate is 200,000 cases/year in the USA. About half of all ACL […]

Have You Tried Our Pilates Classes?

What is Pilates Pilates consists of moving through a slow, sustained series of exercises using abdominal control and proper breathing. The quality of each posture is more important than the number of repetitions or how energetically you can move. Health Benefits of Pilates Improved flexibility Increased muscle strength of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips […]

Meet Two New Team IPT Members – Rachel and Katie!

Rachel K. Owen, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Lead Physical Therapy Aide Rachel has been support staff with Innovative Physical Therapy since 2015. She graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Pre-Physical Therapy.  Rachel has diverse fitness experience as a Stand-Up Paddle Board instructor and […]

Innovative Physical Therapy Fitness Class Schedule

Fitness Classes being offered: Adaptive Yoga Adaptive yoga is one of the gentlest forms of yoga and will be practiced sitting or standing using a chair for support. Our chair yoga classes adapt the traditional branches of yoga – poses, meditation and breath – while using the aid of a chair for support making it safe, […]

Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow Stretches & Exercises

  Team IPT’s Dr. Jared Brown, DPT is going to share some stretches and exercises for your tennis and golfer’s elbow!

Rolling Towards Better Health

In between regular massage treatments, it is important to maintain your muscular health with self-massage. One great way to do that is through foam rolling. It is an inexpensive way to sustain range of motion and lengthen the muscles while increasing flexibility. The consistent practice of self-massage is one that athletes use to keep their […]

Tennis Elbow Vs. Golfer’s Elbow – Do You Know the Difference?

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse or repetitive wrist extension activities. Wrist extension activities include: excessive typing, performing tennis backhand motion, and performing household chores such as dusting or window washing.  True tennis elbow is acute inflammation of the wrist extensor muscle tendon junction as it attaches […]

#ChoosePT – Help End Opioid Addiction by Choosing Physical Therapy

We at Innovative Physical Therapy along with the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) want to spread the word and raise awareness of physical therapy as a safe and effective alternative to opioids for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Learn more about the #ChoosePT initiative at    

Osteoporosis – All About Them Bones!

Osteoporosis literally means “porous bone.” Bones that were once strong become weak, brittle and susceptible to fractures.  It is a silent disease because there are no symptoms. Breaking a bone is often the first indication of osteoporosis. An estimated 54 million people suffer from low bone mineral density or osteoporosis. Our bones are a living […]

How to Keep Your Balance with Dynamic Balance Exercises

Dr. Brandon Brym, DPT takes us through some dynamic balance exercises. Dynamic balance is defined as the ability to move the body outside of its base of support or the act of maintaining postural control while moving. This should be a consistent part of your exercise routine.

ABCDE… Of Sun Cancer Prevention

With summer coming to an end, we thought it would be beneficial to go over some basic information regrading skin cancer prevention and early detection. With an increase in outdoor activity comes an increased risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in the United States and in […]

Do You Know What it Takes to Remain Upright and Steady?

Balance is the interaction of three systems: the visual, vestibular, and the proprioceptive system. Visual System – Your eyes play a significant role in balance. Giving you a picture of where you are in relation to things surrounding you. There are sensory receptors in your retina called rods and cones. Rods help vision in low […]

The Importance of Strength Training

Over the years much has been documented about the importance of cardiovascular fitness. Until recently, however, little attention has been given to strength training, which is a very important component to a balanced fitness program. The misconception is that strength training will “bulk” you up and lead to decreased flexibility, this is simply not true. […]

Celebrating Recovery – Ryan’s Story

On December 31, 2017 Ryan, an active 29-year-old was months away from his wedding when he saw his life flash before his eyes. He got into a severe auto accident in the desert and was rushed via helicopter to a nearby hospital. He suffered a brain bleed (subarachnoid hemorrhage), multiple fractures to his left eye […]

Run Forrest Run!

Running 101 – A Beginner’s Guide Running it seems simple enough right? Stand up, move your legs and just go as far as you can. WRONG! While it looks easy, running involves preparation that requires gradual mileage advancement to safely become a healthy runner. Running Prep: 1. Plan a Running Schedule – It will not be enough if you only run […]

Sciatica, Radiating Pain and Neural Tension

If you’ve ever experienced radiating pain down the back of your leg you’ve probably been told you have “Sciatica”. Sciatica is a gross term referring to irritation along the sciatic nerve typically felt in the buttock, down the back of the leg, and possibly the foot. Radiating pain down the back of the leg can […]

Do You Suffer from Thumb Pain?

We use our thumbs for almost all daily activities, including gripping, grasping, pulling, and pushing.  It is no wonder why there are so many people that suffer from pain in their thumb(s).  The thumb joint is one of the most mobile joints in our body.  Because of this mobility there is potentially an increase in […]

Why Medical Massage Therapy May Be What You’re Searching For

For years massage was seen as a luxury; something you would do to “treat yourself” and only to be had on special occasions. Now, more than ever, medical experts have agreed that massage therapy has many more benefits other than just to get you to finally relax. A few benefits of medial massage include: – […]

Healing Times

Dr. Jared Brown, DPT, takes us through some healing times for various muscle, ligament and tendon injuries.

When Lower Back Pain Turns Into A Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc – MRI Findings and Low Back Pain So you’ve been recently diagnosed with a herniated disc, bulging disc, or disc protrusion. That’s okay! First off herniated discs are commonly treated with conservative approach of physical therapy, corrective exercise and activity modification. Also is the herniated disc causing your pain or is it due […]

Patient Inspiration: Carrie Miller

  From Carrie Miller to Dr. Jared Brown, DPT on April 17th: ” Jared! I made it! I’ve run 32 marathons and that was the most insane weather I’ve ever run in! 30mph winds in our face the whole way and upper 30s and constant downpour of rain. I felt pretty good though! I just […]

Time Heals All Wounds

How Long Will it Take My Injury to Heal? One of the first things most people think about after an injury or surgery is, how long will the recovery time be? While sometimes recovery can only take a couple days or weeks, more intrusive injuries can take months or even a couple years to fully […]

Sleep Tips for Lower Back Pain

Best Sleeping Positions For Low Back Pain Sufferers Sleeping position and sleeping posture are very important for all of us to be aware of. A poor sleeping position can worsen and even be the underlying cause of neck and low back pain. Certain positions can place unnecessary pressure on our necks, hips, and low back. […]

Feel It in Your Bones

Osteoporosis literally means porous bone.  It is characterized by low bone mass, micro-architectural disruption, and increased skeletal fragility. It often leads to fractures of the wrists, hip, and spine. The first step in the prevention of osteoporosis is ensuring adequate nutrition, particularly maintaining an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D […]

April: Foot Health Awareness Month!

Did you know it is estimated that by the age of 70 the average person has walked approximately 26,000 miles?! Our feet take quite a beating which causes many changes in our foot structure and gait over time. With April being Foot Health Awareness Month, we want to talk about the most common foot and […]

A New Take on an Old Technique Video Demo!

Check out our video demo of IASTM- instrumented soft tissue mobilization and the techniques we use to release muscle knots and scar tissue.

Ergonomic Tips for Driving

Sitting posture is an important component to avoid or manage neck and back problems. Prolonged sitting, especially in a car, is a common cause of spinal pain. Proper adjustment of your car seat can make a big difference in your comfort while commuting to work and your other activities. To Adjust the Car Seat: Sit […]

A New Take on an Old Technique

Keeping up on all the latest techniques, last month two of IPT’s physical therapists, Jennifer Muir and Dr. Jared Brown attended a technique course on Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. What is it? – IASTM has come to mean any type of tool assisted massage. It is a manual therapy technique using specially designed instruments […]

Calculate Your Heart Rate

Continuing with National Heart Health Month, below you will find Dr. Lindy First’s video on how to calculate your heart rate and some exercise stats to keep your heart in good health. Since partnering up with  our friend, Kim Shapira M.S., R.D last month with her healthy eating challenge we want to encourage you to take […]

Listen To Your Heart

February is National Heart Health Month. In this month’s newsletter we are going to share some stats on heart health, how to monitor your own heart rate, and explain how you and your Physical Therapist can improve your heart health. Heart Health Stats– courtesy of The Heart Foundation ( Heart disease (which includes Heart Disease, […]

New Year New You- Challenge Part 2!

Are you ready for part 2 of registered dietitian, Kim Shapira’s new year’s challenge? To refresh you, our January newsletter listed part 1 of Kim’s challenge: “The challenge for you is to change your mindset – let’s flip the idea that we want to lose weight to – let’s learn how to maintain a healthy […]

New Year New You! Back to Basics: Healthy Eating

A healthy eating plan gives your body the nutrients it needs every day. Not only will a healthy eating plan result in weight loss, it will also lower your risk for heart disease and other health conditions. A healthy eating plan consists of a few key items: Fruits – 5-13 servings per day Veggies – […]

Key Core Exercises to Promote a Healthy & Strong Back

Check out Dr. Jared Brown while he shows us some key core stabilization exercises to keep your back strong and healthy!

Team IPT Favorite Holiday Recipes!

This is a special posting for December. With the holidays quickly approaching we wanted to share two of our favorite holiday recipes with you to get you in the spirit! Holiday butter ball cookies and holiday latkes! Holiday Butter Ball Cookies Ingredients: 1 cup butter 4 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla 2  1/4 cups […]

Let’s Talk about Lower Back Pain

Lower. Back. Pain. We all know it, we’ve all experienced it and we all want it to go away. At any given time 25% of people living in the United States have lower back pain (LBP). That is a quarter of the country, A QUARTER! While most pain subsides and goes away within days, some […]

Flashback Friday with some training tips from UFC Fighter Myles “Fury” Jury

Over the years we have posted many subjects on our social media outlets from easy every day stretches to fitness articles and birthday pictures and team outings. One in particular stood out to us, a post from 2014, Dr. Lindy First’s patient UFC fight Myles “Fury” Jury and his video clip (see clip below) on […]

Aging Successfully

What do five people ages 80, 86, 92, 93, and 94 all have in common? Read on to find out. Successful aging refers to the physical, mental, and social-well being in older age.  It can also be defined as absence of chronic disease and risk factors for disease, good health, and high levels of independent […]

To Keep Your Balance You Must Keep Moving

Movement. The key to growing, an every day occurrence in any human’s life since birth. A baby kicks and squirms, a toddler crawls before walking, a kid learning to ride a bike. All movements that lead to balance strength. But with keeping that balance there can come falls. While a baby, child or young adult […]

Workplace Ergonomics

If you sit at a desk all day – these quick practices are for you! Set an alarm for every 30-45 minutes to get up and stretch!

What is Manual Therapy and how can it help me?

A lot of patients mistakenly think physical therapy is just exercise programs and modality regimes for pain. Although both exercise and pain modalities are important pieces to a comprehensive physical therapy plan of care, manual therapy is proven to reduce recovery times, increase range of motion, and improve overall tissue mobility. Manual therapy is basically […]

4 Workstation Ergonomic Tips You Can Try Today

    You’ve probably heard of ergonomics – the study of efficiency and comfort in the workplace – but are you taking the right actions to make your workstation or home office as easy on your body as possible? If you work in an office environment, you can prevent pain and injury and work more […]

Protect Your Neck!

Quick neck stretches for the cervical spine

What Causes Chronic Neck Pain? And Can A PT Help?

Your head weighs 11 pounds or more – as much as a bowling ball! – and keeping it in the right position is hard work. Fortunately, your neck is a collection of bones, joints, muscles and nerves designed to be strong and stable. But small and large problems can lead to pain in the neck […]

The Hips Don’t Lie

3 Hip Strengthening Exercises

The Real Truth About Hip Pain

Do you have pain in your hip that limits your ability to walk, put on your shoes and socks, work, or enjoy your life? Do you have sharp, shooting, or a dull achy pain in your hip, groin, thigh, knee or buttocks? Do you have stiffness in your hip joint which is worse after sleeping […]

What Is TMJ and How Can a Physical Therapist Help?

People commonly mistake referring to conditions affecting the jaw as “TMJ”. TMJ actually refers to the jaw joint itself, or the temporomandibular joint. The correct reference to conditions limiting or affecting the natural function of the jaw is TMD, or temporomandibular disorder. TMD interferes with the normal movement of the jaw, limiting or restricting opening […]