Pain Management

Managing and Coping With Pain


Are you seeking effective strategies for managing and coping with pain? When it comes to navigating the challenges of pain management, it’s crucial to recognize that you are the owner of your pain and can empower yourself with knowledge for effective relief.


Here are some guidelines that can help you make more informed choices:


Guidelines for Making Informed Choices for Pain Management

  1. Medical Examination for Ongoing Pain: Individuals experiencing ongoing pain should undergo a medical examination to understand the underlying causes and potential treatment options.
  2. Understanding Prescribed Help: Ensure that any prescribed treatment aligns with your understanding of the problem. Health practitioners are here to assist you in mastering your situation.
  3. Satisfactory Answers to Questions: It’s important to have your questions about your pain condition answered satisfactorily to gain clarity and confidence in your treatment plan.
  4. Avoiding Total Dependence: While seeking professional help is essential, avoid total dependence on any health professional. Empower yourself to take an active role in managing your pain.
  5. Setting Measurable Goals: Establish goals that are understood by both you and your health professional. These can encompass physical, social, and work-related aspects and should be measurable to track progress effectively.


Understanding Pain and Triggers


Understanding the complexities of pain and how various triggers can influence its persistence is vital in effective pain management.


Here are two things to keep in mind:


  • Your brain wants to protect you from perceived dangers.
  • In cases of persistent pain, even minor triggers can perpetuate discomfort by activating nerve pathways associated with pain.


Additionally, it’s essential to note that recurring pain episodes do not necessarily indicate re-injury. Instead, it makes more sense scientifically that recurrences may be linked to cues that activate the brain’s “virtual representation” of the old injury. In essence, your brain is performing a check-up to ensure your body’s well-being; experiencing pain does not always signify harm.


By understanding pain and its triggers, you can empower yourself to take control of your pain management journey and work towards lasting relief.

Active vs. Passive Coping Strategies


Most coping strategies can be categorized as active or passive. Research shows that active strategies are more effective than passive strategies when it comes to managing and coping with pain. Now is a good time to ask yourself… “What’s your style?” “What do you do to cope with your pain?”


Effective coping strategies play a significant role in managing pain.


Active Coping Strategies:

active coping strategy for pain management, engaging in movement and exercise

  • Seeking better understanding about your pain condition
  • Exploring different ways to move and do things
  • Gradually pushing the boundaries of pain
  • Maintaining a positive mindset
  • Setting attainable short-term and long-term goals
  • Practicing patience


Passive Coping Strategies:

Pain management strategy in relation to a passive coping strategy. Person lying on the couch on phone

  • Avoiding activities that may exacerbate pain
  • Engaging in rest without active rehabilitation efforts
  • Waiting for something to change
  • Waiting for the right person to change it (hint: the right person is you)

Exploring Coping Skills 


Various coping skills training programs are available, including mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. While these approaches may not be suitable for everyone, they offer valuable tools for managing pain effectively.


In conclusion, we encourage you to embrace an active coping strategy. Take control of your pain management journey by scheduling a consultation with one of our skilled physical therapists at 619-260-0750.